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Ethos Athletes Podcast

Welcome to the Ethos Athletes Podcast hosted by Dr. Matthew Hernandez. This podcast was made to help individuals gain knowledge about various topics in the fitness world to improve their workouts and overall health. We draw our knowledge from experts in the Phoenix Metro Area who work with CrossFit athletes.  


Dr. Matt is a co-owner of Ethos Integrative Medicine and specializes in using Regenerative Medicine to help athletes recover from injury. 

Apr 29, 2021

This is Episode 4 of our Low Back Pain Series.

In this episode, Dr. Massingale discusses why she is passionate about helping women with low back pain from pregnancy (hint: they don't have a lot of options). Dr. Massingale and Dr. Padilla further break down what can cause back pain and what women can do about it.


Apr 20, 2021

This is Episode 3 of our Low Back Pain Series.

In this episode, we discuss what spinal instability is, what contributes to it, and what you can do to help solve it.

This series features Dr. Morgan Massingale from Ethos Integrative Medicine and Dr. Tom Padilla from the Doctors of...

Apr 1, 2021

This is Episode 2 of our Low Back Pain Series.

In this episode, we will discuss what are mobility deficits, which ones contribute to low back pain, and what you can do to help solve it.

This series features Dr. Morgan Massingale from Ethos Integrative Medicine and Dr. Tom Padilla from the Doctors of...