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Ethos Athletes Podcast

Welcome to the Ethos Athletes Podcast hosted by Dr. Matthew Hernandez. This podcast was made to help individuals gain knowledge about various topics in the fitness world to improve their workouts and overall health. We draw our knowledge from experts in the Phoenix Metro Area who work with CrossFit athletes.  


Dr. Matt is a co-owner of Ethos Integrative Medicine and specializes in using Regenerative Medicine to help athletes recover from injury. 

Jul 12, 2018

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Personal Trainer, Nate Palmer, discusses his tips and tricks for staying fit while traveling the world.

Nate Palmer is the author of Passport Fitness: The No-Nonsense Guide to Staying In Shape No Matter What City You Wake Up In and creator of Bod in A Box.

Dr. Matt is the host of the Ethos Athletes...

Jul 5, 2018

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Dr. Matthew Hernandez and Kelli Michelle discuss a few challenges men can face with hormones and give a step-by-step guide on how to improve them.

Kelli is the owner of Keep Moving Forward where she works with individuals to meet their goals using nutrition.

Dr. Matt is the host of the Ethos Athletes...